January Promotions

Last week, January 13th to 19th – Judo Promotions

The Judo promotions are intended to test the level of the Judoka. Upon the teacher’s recommendation, a Judoka may be asked to take an promotion when the teacher believes the Judoka is ready to graduate. During the promotion , the Judoka must demonstrate knowledge, skill, and insight into the topics and techniques that must be met for each grade.

The tumblers kicked off with their “promotion,” where the awarding of a balloon, color of choice, with a box of currants attached, was a great success.
For the children under 12, there were many happy faces to be seen, proudly showing off the new stripe (yellow, orange, green, blue, or brown) they earned for their belt.

For the 12+ age group, the number of participants was larger than ever this year, and everyone passed, achieving a “new” Kyu grade.
A big thank you to all the volunteers and teachers who helped out with their efforts, and we hope we can count on you again for the next promotions!
On behalf of all the teachers and dojo assistants,
Congratulations to everyone on their earned promotion!

An impression: